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Blogs from September, 2019

Paper wasp on picnic table

Wasps usually invade houses when it starts to warms up outside. These annoying pests look for shelter and will try to build their nests in your houses. All they require is a horizontal base to hang from, and once they find it, they’ll start building their nests. They often prefer corners of porch ceilings, eaves, and overhangs to feel secure and protected. A very common species, referred to as paper wasps, construct their nests using wood fiber. The queen wasp scrapes wood fiber to create a paper pulp, which is formed after mixing it with saliva and spitting it out at the desired nest-building site.

Although wasps eat other bugs and thus contribute in controlling the insect population, you definitely do not want them in your house. They are only really beneficial for yards and other outdoor locations. Some of the common types of wasps found in San Antonio are as follows:

Mud Dauber Wasps

Adult mud dauber wasps build their nests out of mud. They are 3/4 to 1 inch long, and each species varies in color from dull black to black with bright yellow markings to iridescent blue-black. Their key identifying feature is their long and narrow “waist.”

Cicada Killer Wasps    

The cicada killer wasp is a huge digger wasp species. These wasps have a rusty red-colored head and thorax, but are overall black or rusty in color, with yellow band markings on the abdominal segments. They have russet-colored wings.

Southern Yellow Jackets

Notorious for its aggressive nature and tendency to sting, Southern Yellow jackets are best given wide berth and left alone. They guard nests with ferocity. They can, and do, sting multiple times without dying. Because nests are in or near the ground, stinging incidents commonly result from unknowingly stepping on or near nests. Alarm pheromones are sent through the air and nests are emptied in response to a perceived threat outside of it. If a nest or colony is found in areas where people pass like a backyard, park, trail, or building, professional exterminators should be employed to remove them. Attempting to remove a Southern Yellow jacket nest without the proper protection and equipment could be quite painful for anyone in the vicinity.

How To Protect Your House From Wasps?

The best way to ensure a pest-free house is obviously a pest control treatment to remove bugs that wasps could possibly feed upon. However, you can avoid serious infestation by any  sort of pests in your house by keeping the following measures intact:

  • Seal the entry and exits points which are located near windows or doors to avoid wasp infestation.
  • Since wasps feed on fallen fruits around fruit trees, make sure to clean up fallen fruits. Also, keep trash away from your house.
  • Minimize the use of bright and floral decors in your yard that might attract wasps.
  • Limit outdoor water resources, which are very important to prevent any sort of pest infestation, including mosquitoes.

Get Rid Of Wasp Infestation With Accurate Pest Control!!

A wasp’s painful sting can cause serious illness and can even be fatal. If you are facing a wasp infestation, it is highly advised to allow pest control professionals to handle it as they are experienced and have the right equipment and products to safely and effectively remove these pests.

Despite using all of these measures to control a wasp infestation, if you still face a situation wherein you can’t get rid of wasps- don’t panic! We are here to help you!

If you have a wasp infestation in your home or business and are looking for wasp exterminators in San Antonio, contact Accurate Pest Control. Do not risk your health and safety in trying to deal with this pest problem on your own. Get in touch with our professionals for immediate wasp control services.