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Blogs from May, 2023

Honey bee pollinating a flower

The world would be a much different place if there were no bees around. These small flying insects are extremely important to the environment and play a vital role in plant growth and maintaining healthy interconnected ecosystems. 

While bees are beneficial to have around, you probably don't want them hanging around too close to your home or property. If you have a beehive causing problems around your house, you will need a San Antonio pest control specialist that has experience with this specific type of wildlife removal. At Accurate Pest Control, we have over 20 years of experience in beehive removal and know the best thing to do if you spot one of the hives on your property. 

The Life Cycle Of The Honey Bee

The honey bee goes through four life stages that begin with an egg. The time it takes to go from egg to adult can vary greatly depending on the species, but overall, the process is the same for every bee. Here is a look at the different life stages of the honeybee:

  • Egg: The egg is laid in one of the many cells that can be found deep inside a beehive. It usually only takes about three days for a bee egg to hatch.
  • Larva: After the egg hatches, a larva will emerge. These larvae look nothing like adult bees. They have small, worm-like bodies with no limbs or antennae. They resemble small maggots. 
  • Pupa: After the larva is fed royal jelly for two to three days, it will wrap itself in a cocoon-like cell made of wax. While in this cocoon, it will develop its wings, antenna, and legs. After a week or two, the pupa will eat its way out of the waxy cocoon and emerge as an adult. 
  • Adult: When the bees reach full maturity, they will go to one of three caste systems which include queens, drones, and workers.

All drone honey bees are males. The queen bee and the drones have one job: to reproduce. The worker bees do the rest of the work. They are tasked with collecting food, building the hive, and taking care of the larvae.

How And Why Bees Find Their Way Inside Your Home

Bees in San Antonio love sweet and sugary foods and drinks. If your home smells like there are sweet substances inside, they may be inclined to explore. They can usually access the interior of homes through small openings around the doors and windows. A typical bee can fit through a crack about the width of a pencil eraser. 

DIY Bee Removal In San Antonio Is Dangerous

Bees don't want to sting people. However, if their hive is in danger, the majority of the colony will come out to defend it. This means that you could potentially be stung several hundred times. When a bee stings you, a small amount of venom is injected into your body. Usually, the venom is painful but not considered dangerous. However, if a large amount is injected into you or you have an allergy to bee stings, stings can cause severe health complications. 

Call The Experts For The Safe Removal Of A Beehive

If you see a beehive on your San Antonio property, you should give us a call as soon as possible. At Accurate Pest Control, we know how to get rid of the bees around your home so that you can rest easy knowing that you and your family will be safe when you go outdoors. Give us a call today!