Bed Bug Identification & Prevention
What To Do About Bed Bugs In San Antonio
Bed bugs are insects whose sole source of nutrition comes from the blood of their hosts. While no one wants to think about sharing our Texas homes with bed bugs, the more you understand about these pests, the easier it will be to control and prevent them. Use our bed bug guide to understand these common household pests better and to learn more about pest control in San Antonio, TX.
How can I prevent bed bugs in the future?
Use the following bed bug prevention tips to help keep your home free of bed bugs throughout the year.
- Avoid purchasing secondhand mattresses, box springs, or bedding for your home.
- After returning home from travel, wash and dry all clothing you brought, whether the items were worn or not.
- Reduce bed bugs hiding spots in your home by reducing clutter.
- Regularly vacuum floors and upholstered furniture to remove stray bed bugs.
Call us now to learn more about the exceptional bed bug control services we offer!
How do I get rid of bed bugs?
If bed bugs find their way into your home, don't ignore the problem or try to tackle it alone. A bed bug infestation requires the experience and dedication of a trained and local pest professional.
At Accurate Pest Control, we offer local home pest control and commercial pest control for bed bugs. We provide our customers with full house treatments to eliminate bed bugs. Our bed bug control service includes:
- A thorough inspection.
- Mattress encasements.
- Effective treatment using our three-step process.
- Follow-up services.
- A 90-day warranty.
Our pest control services are proven effective, and our bed bug service can't be beat. Reach out today and schedule a bed bug inspection for your home. Don't live with bed bugs one more day than necessary.
Where will I find bed bugs?
During the day, bed bugs in your home rest out of sight in dark, protected areas. They typically hide in places that place them near their hosts. Some of their preferred hideouts include the seams of mattresses, cracks in floors, walls, wood furniture, and inside upholstered furniture. Other places we discover bed bug activity include inside electrical outlets, behind wall hangings or loose wallpaper, and under areas of clutter.
If you ever discover bed bugs hiding in your home, immediately seek help. Bed bugs can travel throughout your house and infest multiple rooms. A professional will be able to determine the extent of the infestation and provide the treatments necessary to eliminate the entire infestation. For the best bed bug control in San Antonio, call today!
Why do I have a bed bug problem?
It is essential to understand that you are not experiencing a problem with bed bugs because your home is dirty or cluttered. Bed bugs are in your home because they are hitchhiking pests and move wherever people take them. Bed bugs live almost exclusively with people because it provides them easy access to their preferred food source; human blood.
These insects move from city to city and structure to structure on people or our personal belongings (coats, luggage, purses, bags). Some of the most common public places people encounter bed bugs are hotels, airports, laundromats, movie theaters, shopping centers, schools, and dormitories.
Are bed bugs dangerous?
Most blood-feeding pests like mosquitoes and ticks pose significant health risks to people. They acquire and then spread diseases to their hosts during their feeding process. Thankfully this isn't the case with bed bugs. Currently, they are not known to spread diseases to people.
While it is good news that bed bugs don't spread diseases, they should never be allowed to remain in our homes. Bed bugs bite, and their bites make openings in the skin that can become infected and require medical attention. Additionally, an unpleasant red itchy rash can develop around bed bug bites in some people. And finally, no one can feel at ease in their home and sleep knowing they are a food source for biting bugs.
What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are external parasites that primarily feed on the blood of humans. If people aren't available, they will feed on other warm-blooded hosts like birds, rodents, dogs, and cats. Bed bugs are structural pests; they live indoors where their hosts live or spend large chunks of time.
These insects are mainly nocturnal and feed at night when their hosts are asleep. Bed bugs are reddish-brown and about the size and shape of an apple seed. They are wingless, have six legs, and have a beak-like mouthpart that allows them to pierce the skin of their host and feed on their blood. After consuming a blood meal, the bed bug retreats to its daytime hiding spot to digest the meal.